Commercial Storm Shelters

Most Durable and Heavy Construction Commercial Storm Shelters On The Market Today!

Safety Rating
FEMA 320 & 361 F-5 Testing
ICC 500 Protocols
5-80+ Person
Commercial Grade Storm ShelterCommercial Grade Storm Shelter Bunker Hoisted Into Place

Commercial Storm Shelters

Commercial shelters available in a wide variety of sizes to accomodate any number of people. These shelters are available in above and below ground configurations. Please call to inquire.

Texas Storm Shelter Offers The Most Durable and Heavy Construction Commercial Storm Shelters On The Market Today!

Call For Details

1 (972) 955-5775


8' X 10'
8' X 15'
8' X 20'
8' X 25'
8' X 30'
8' X 35'
8' X 40'


20 Person Shelter
30 Person Shelter
40 Person Shelter
50  Person Shelter
60 Person Shelter
70 Person Shelter
80 Person Shelter

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